Investment in leadership is an investment in your organization’s future.
Top-level managers face countless challenges every day. Venue Solutions Group’s Advantage Training includes workshops designed to enhance management skills and turn challenges into opportunities.
At VSG, we know your business is only as strong as your people. Responsive, customized, needs-based training makes the difference between a good workforce and a truly great one.
Everything DiSC Workplace
Utilizes the proven DiSC® assessment tool to discover personal DiSC style and understand others’ DiSC styles.
Team Building 5 Behaviors of an Effective Team
Through this hands-on, interactive program, employees learn how to discover the root causes of politics and dysfunction on any team. It provides participants five keys to overcoming these dysfunctions: building trust, mastering conflict, achieving commitment, embracing accountability, and focusing on results.
Performance Evaluations
With this user-friendly evaluation method, you learn motivating and constructive feedback techniques to improve employee performance, trust, confidence and productivity. Every evaluation profile generates coaching supplements personalized to assist employees with improving their skills and qualifications.
Strategic Planning Development and Facilitation
Assists key leaders in bringing the organization’s mission and values to life by identifying and evaluating core operating values, which are the essence of the organization’s identity and operational priorities.
Sales Training: DiSCover How to Close the Deal
Connect more effectively with customers by understanding your unique sales style, your customers’ unique buying styles, and then adapting your sales style to your customers’ buying styles.
Workplace Diversity
Limit the influence of stereotypes, reduce conflict, and embrace diversity. Help your employees recognize how they respond to workforce bias and where they need to develop increased understanding.
Work Expectations
Help employees to develop their skills and set goals. Employees with well-defined expectations are more productive and enjoy greater job satisfaction and success.
Governance Board Training
Focuses on creating, implementing, and maintaining positive, productive, and highly functional Board/Management relationships.
Dealing with Difficult People
Discover and practice techniques useful for resolving workplace conflict, with a specific emphasis on improving communication during challenging situations.
Coping and Stress
A unique, self-directed program that provides personalized feedback on an individual’s responses to stress and coping resources.
How to Manage Time So It Doesn’t Manage You
Set priorities and manage time more effectively by evaluating effectiveness in 12 critical areas.
Situational Leadership
Empowers leaders to develop competence, gain commitment, and retain talent across all levels of the organization.
Listening for Leaders
Allows participants to understand different listening styles and improve communication skills.
Management Support Initiatives
Focuses on supervisory, responsibility and accountability skills.